Schedule a Visit

Choosing to see a graduate school in person is a smart choice! This visit can help you imagine the transformative experience you will receive at Southern and introduce you to the community of dedicated professionals we have here. 


Campus Visit Request

You may make a reservation by calling 423.236.2585 or 1.800.SOUTHERN— just ask for Graduate Studies! You may also make an appointment for a video call.

*Please be aware that we are unable to schedule campus visits for international students at this time.

Learn More About Southern’s Graduate Program Experience

Check out the Graduate Studies blog to learn more about our programs and being a graduate student at Southern Adventist University.

4 MSW Careers That Go Beyond Casework

When most people think of social work, they imagine traditional roles focused on community welfare and support. However, earning a Master of Socialtrue

What Qualities Make a Good Teacher? 7 Traits to Consider

There are many different career paths that people take to become teachers. For many, they knew since they were a child that they wanted to pursue atrue

How to Prepare for a Graduate School Interview: 5 Interview Questions

Preparing for a graduate school interview can feel overwhelming. Yet, with guiding steps and a thorough understanding of common questions, thetrue

What Are the Five Types of Nursing Degrees?

If you’ve ever thought about pursuing a career in nursing, this is a great time to start that journey. Nurses are in great demand and the U.S. Bureautrue

Should I Get an MBA? 3 Signs It's Time To Get An MBA

Should you get an MBA? In a way, only you can answer that question. Earning an MBA is a powerful way to take your career to the next level, and comestrue

MAT vs MSEd: Which is Right for You?

Teaching is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding careers that one can pursue. Yes, it has its challenges, but in those moments where you see thetrue

Rosa Mayr wearing a grey blazer and blue button up shirt smiling at the camera

Rosa Mayr

Graduate Studies Program Manager

Let's Talk About You!

Welcome! My number-one goal is to help you reach yours, so give me a call, send me an email, or just stop by my office in Wright Hall. Whether you’d like to explore program options, schedule a campus visit, or just need to ask about application deadlines, no question is too big or too small. Let’s work together to help you accomplish your dreams!