Graduate Certificates in Religion

The graduate certificate in religion helps prepare church leaders (both pastors and lay members) to better serve their churches and members. Classes can later be applied to the Master of Ministry degree.

How the Graduate Certificate in Religion Works


The graduate certificate involves 15 credits (5 classes) in a specialized area. Emphases include Biblical Counseling (fully online), Church Leadership and Management, and Ministry and Evangelism (with online classes and in-person intensives). Each of the classes are designed to provide insightful teaching, meaningful resources, and useful skills for ministry.

A special tuition rate is provided for those in the certificate program that is only 40% of the regular tuition costs! In addition, pastors get special waivers or discounts as follows:

  • North American Division pastors:  Pastors in Division Conferences outside of the Southern Union may receive tuition assistance by submitting a signed Tuition Assistance form each semester (Summer, Fall, Winter) that they are enrolled for classes. Submit immediately after registration.
  • International Students:  Since these courses are designed to be part-time, the schedule of the classes does not meet student-visa requirements.

Biblical Counseling Emphasis

Biblical counseling is a practice of the local church whereby each member is empowered to speak the truth in love, so that the whole congregation grows together toward spiritual maturity. Biblical counseling applies the gospel to everyday life situations, allowing the practical wisdom of Scripture to guide decisions, resolve conflict, heal emotional wounds, build relationships, and empower change.

Biblical counseling is not professional counseling. A student who takes classes in biblical counseling at Southern is not preparing for state licensure or to receive church credentials. The program is designed for those who work in a church setting, who wish to enhance their coaching and counseling skills while gaining a broad-based ministry and theological background. It teaches the counselor how to do “triage” when hurting people come to the church for help and how to effectively refer. The program also prepares students for further studies in biblical counseling.



Church Leadership and Management emphasis

The emphasis in Church Leadership and Management is specifically designed to prepare church leaders and administrators with training in the principles of business management, as well as to equip them with leadership-ministry training skills.

Evangelism and Ministry emphasis

The emphasis in Evangelism and Ministry is specifically designed to equip workers for gospel outreach to the world.

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Applying to Southern's Master of Ministry


Religion Certificate Eligibility and Prerequisites

  • Bachelor's degree: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution
  • Religion courses: Minimum of 12 semester hours in religion (waivers may be requested for some or all of this requirement, based on the applicant's full-time ministry experience).
  • GPA requirements: Minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.00  OR  for an undergraduate GPA of 2.50 to 2.99 applicants may request to be admitted on a provisional basis.
  • Evangelism and Ministry, and Biblical Counseling Emphases applicants must:
    • provide a written list of church offices held (such as elder, deaconess, Sabbath School leader) and church outreach activities (such as conducting Bible studies, working in Revelation seminars, and assisting with health-education seminars).

Application deadlines

Applications can be accepted year-round. Students need to apply at least six weeks before the start of the semester. With School of Religion approval, students may take up to 12 hours of coursework on non-degree or provisional status. 

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U.S. Residents


April 1


July 1


Novermber 1

How to Apply

Submit a graduate application (with non-refundable fee of $40).

Learn More About Southern’s Graduate Program Experience

Check out the Graduate Studies blog to learn more about our programs and being a graduate student at Southern Adventist University.

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One of the typical steps you will be asked to complete during the application process is to write a statement oftrue

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Exploring your options for graduate school is an exciting process. You’re thinking about which programs are the best fit for you, getting ready totrue

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Resources for Getting Your Certificate of Religion

Biblical Counseling

Biblical Counseling Course Guide

See the course list


Church Leadership and Management

Church Leadership and Management Course Guide

See the course list


Evangelism and Ministry

Evangelism and Ministry Course Guide

See the course list



Greg King, PhD headshot

Greg King, PhD


Stephen Bauer, PhD headshot

Stephen Bauer, PhD


John Doh, PhD headshot

John Doh, PhD


Eliezer Graterol, PhD, DMin headshot

Eliezer Graterol, PhD, DMin


David Hartman, DMin headshot

David Hartman, DMin


Michael Hasel, PhD headshot

Michael Hasel, PhD


Jud Lake, ThD headshot

Jud Lake, ThD


Alan Parker, ThD headshot

Alan Parker, ThD


William Paroschi, PhD headshot

William Paroschi, PhD


Barry Tryon, DMin headshot

Barry Tryon, DMin




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